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Maxfactor Masterpiece Transform Mascara

Živjo lepotičke!
O tej maskari sem prebrala nešteto dobrih review-jev in imam počasi že občutek da težim s kritiziranjem makeup izdelkov, ampak kaj naj? Embalaža super, prestižna, zlata barva, love.
Kljub na videz dobri krtački, mi trepalnice zlepi skupaj, naredi mi težo na njih, kot da bi nosila umetne. Seveda sem si mogoče problem ustvarila sama ker sem nanesla miljon plasti, pa vendar? VEDNO imam več plasti maskare na trepalnicah pa mi jih nikoli ne zlepi skupaj. Že pri prvem nanosu občutim lepljivo snov, bljeeee. Ni mi všeč. 

Kakšne pa so vaše izkušnje z njo?

Hiiii sweetipies :)
I've read a looot good reviews about this mascara and I'm starting to feel i'm being a grumpy head, because all I do lately is critise.
I'm in love with prestige packaging, shiny and gold, i love it.
At first sight the brush looked perfect to me. But it sticks my eyelashes together, it's getting me clumps. Maybe it's just my fault because I used too much mascara and two coats would look just fine. But still? I always use a few coats and there's no problem. Mye, maybe it's just me. I don't like it.
What about you? 

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